Monday, July 30, 2012

Millau Viaduct (France): World’s Highest Bridge

As high as 1125 feet above the Tarn Valley in southern France, the Millau Viaduct wading can be said like a fly. The work of Foster & Partners is slightly higher than the Eiffel Tower, took three years to construct and opened in public in 2004. In addition to providing views of the valley below, when clouds form under the bridge, the Millau route for people who are not afraid of heights! Millau Bridge has a total length of 8071 feet with the longest single span of 1122 feet and maximum clarity under is 886 feet, so the bridge is very beautiful in miniature form or original form. Bridge deck is supported by 7 Pilon and weighs 36,000 tons. Seven towers, each 292 feet tall and weighs 700 tons, fitted to the cantilever Pilon

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